Jan 6, 2008

Weight lose, and me

Today, according to my nike+, I burned 714 calories during my nearly 6 mile run. Speaking of nearly, my goal today was 6 miles and anything beyond that would have been great, the route I choose however, was just under 6 miles and I didn't know this until the end of my run. Shit. So I only ran 5.75 miles, which still isn't bad just not what I wanted. I am aware that I can program into my iPod the distance I want to run and it will keep track for me and alert me when I'm reaching my goal. That would be great and all if I wasn't on a specific route and could just turn 'round at the halfway point. That is not what I do, I pick a route and see how long it is for future use. I'm not that upset, I just have to adjust the rout for next time is all.
So, 700+ calories in one hour, that seems a bit unrealistic. I did calibrate my sensor and it knows what I weigh so I guess it could be right, but it seems like its too high. This means that if I run 10 miles ill burn about 1100 calories, 20 would be 2200 and 26 would be nearly 3000. Actually, now that Ive written that out it makes more sense, as I read (and wrote below) that the average male runner will burn about 3500 calories during a marathon, so never mind.
Today I learned that if I continue on my course of action, achieving a minimum of 40 miles a week by February, I will be losing a lot of weight. Now I'm not a big guy to start, 6' 165lbs, I really don't have a lot to lose. I don't know how I feel about this. I know that to be a successful runner I need to be a bit lighter, but I could slip down to 150 and maybe 140, which is about what my little brother puts in his shoes, and he's pretty fucking small. I don't know that I want that so much...
What I need to do is focus on the training and not the weight lose. What I need to do is train my body to work with what its got and not what it needs, to not lose weight but to focus on running with the weight I've got which in the end I guess could make me a better runner. Thats an interesting thought, forcing a disadvantage onto myself will in the end make me better than I would have been had I lost the weight making it easier to run. This could be a good thing, I should be cross training with muscle building in mind giving me the most advantage I could possibly attain, distance lungs and ripped abs...
The problem with that is they are not compatible at all. For the very basic reason that says good distance runners are thin and good muscle builders are heavy. I know that there is a balance here, and I think with my athletic background I will be able to find it. So my new goal is to not lose weight, rather keep the weight I have and maybe even gain by way to muscle building there by keeping my brain happy. I just dont see myself happy at 140ish pounds and I know I couldnt just lift, that would go against most everything I have ever done or taught (at a high school soccer level).
I need to monitor my caloric intake to I don't fall to far away from where I am now.

Dinner tonight:
Small mixed green salad
-mixed field greens, white onion, carrot, sunflower seeds and light Italian dressing
-badass homemade chili
-two pieces of 100% wheat toast, no butter
1/8 cantelope
10oz skim milk
1/2oz Amplify Chocolate whey protein
2 liters of water

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