Apr 22, 2011

I hate this part right here.

I dont know what song that is from, but its in my head. Stuck there until I sing it a thousand times or get something else in there. I hate this part right here. I hate this part, right, here.

Its cold out. I dont know if you've notice or not. It has been freezing the last week and a half, we were spoiled early with great weather; high 50's and sunny, the perfect time and place to be on a big run. Now when I get up in the morning it's 36 and raining. fuck that. I really dont care to run when I cant feel my legs. I do really like running in tights though, and the cold makes me look like less of a crazy person when I do so. But my two least favorite things in the world are being wet and cold. I can deal with them separately, but together I truly shut down.

But its hard. It's really hard to actually get out on the street and do it. Developing the will and drive to get out there when you know you shouldnt. To put on your shoes when youre hung-over and ready to get back in bed. When it just snowed 2 inches in the middle of April. When you just want to stay in bed. That's when it's the hardest, but also the most important.

It is all I think about right now. When Im at work I want to be on the street, sucking wind and pushing up a hill. Even when Ive finished my run for the day I want to set a new distance and go out again. Like now, all I want to do tomorrow is run 10 miles. I dont care where I do it or ow long it takes me, I just want to be gone for 90 min and just run. I hate that it's going to be 34 when I get up and not sunny at all.
Maybe I need to live in San Diego.

I wouldnt move from MN to have a better climate to run in. No matter how much I bitch about it, in my head or otherwise, I do like the challenge of running when it is less favorable. It makes e feel stronger than the rest of the world. Like I can do something no one else can or will. Yet when it comes to running in the rain at 11pm after work and its 38 outside I always seem to find a beer and a good show to watch instead.

I dont think that makes me a bad person.

I prefer to run in perfect weather, I cant imagine anyoen who would disagree with that. But sometimes you have to run in the cold, the rain, the snow and the wind. What happens on raceday when its raining and 42 at 8am> If you havnt done that before you are in for a HUGE wake-up call. If you havnt been up at 6am to eat, poop and relax, how the hell are you going to perform at your first Marathon? They all start at 8am, bytheway.

Suck it up. run when its cold and rainy. that way you can LOVE the sunny and 65 when it finally arrives.

Tomorrow I run, no matter the sky.

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