Feb 20, 2011

This is it?

One week ago today I got hurt. I am still hurt. I was playing slow soccer in my old man league, we play in the wonderful new facility with 3 small sized fields and an artificial surface. I dont blame the turf, this would have happened anywhere.

There are times when you fall down and get right back up, then there are times where you think you may need surgery and a cart to get you off the ground. This was a the latter. I was running at full speed and reached out with my right foot to block a shot, the ball hit me right in the pinky toe of my right foot forcing it to angle in and down towards the ground. My next step was not good, I landed on the outside of my foot, full body weight and running. There was a pop, a shooting pain and then the ground.

This is the kind of injury that doesnt actually hurt right away, you have the hot sensation letting you know that you've gotten it wrong followed closely by the throbbing of the swelled tissue and the rush of blood. As I lay on the ground, in the middle of the field, my first though was about running. Then broken legs, surgery, pain, money, getting home... I was so worried that in this one split second I had ruined an entire season of running that hadnt even begun yet. That somehow this crash landing would upset the next 8 months of my life so much that I couldnt possibly enjoy being on my feet. Im on my feet all day every day.

My job. I manage a restaurant, this means I am on my feet all day everyday and have no ability to rest a hurt ankle. Had I a sitting job I would be healing much faster, but it has now been officially one week and I am still limping. I dont have as much pain as when it started, but there is still some significant swelling and a little bruise left. Good thing it just snowed 6 inches.

What I was, and am, scared about is the lingering pain. What if this is that one injury that always keeps me down. So many adults (late 30-40) have the 'knee problem' or the 'back pain' that keeps flaring up in their lives. What if that's me? What if this one little step just screws me for the next 30 years. I dont know what Ill do.
I dont think this will be the case, its just a bad sprain, but that thought is always sitting in the back on my mind.

So now I wait, I dont take any pain killers or anti-inflammatory stuff (on principle) and I get on with my daily. I havnt tried to really use it at all, I havnt run or jumped yet so as to give the most time to heal possible. I would love to go to the gym and left, or swim but I know that one wrong move and I could seriously end my summer. Ill wait and give it a few more days and even another week, that way I can be certain.

My training will have to wait.

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