Jun 2, 2011


On July 4th I will be running my second 1/2 marathon, the Red, White and BOOM. I did it last year with very little training and lead up, I did well but not as well as I would have like. The problem was the lack of training.

Now its June 2nd and I have yet to really start training, again. I have been running a bit this spring so far, not more than twice a week average. This is not good enough. I now have 1 month to get in shape so I can run the hallowed 90min 1/2 time. I need to get my butt in gear.

I ran yesterday, ran well. I did 6 miles in right about 45 minutes. That would have been a personal best for a 10K had I ran just a bit farther. I stopped because my route was over, not because I needed to . Today will be a bit shorter, Im looking at only 4.

30 days of running.
I figure if I can run every day for the whole month of June, getting my miles up to around 10-12 at least 6 times between now and the 4th of July that I will do very well in the 1/2. My goal really is ~90 minutes, but I have never run that fast the far before, we'll see what happens in the next few weeks.

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