Jun 7, 2011


Because everyone in the world doesnt know, its really hot in Minneapolis/ST Paul right now. So hot that its making national news as the hottest place in the country right now. Suck it, Phoenix. What that means for me is running early, like 8am early. I know that doesnt sound like a very bright start to most people, but I dont usually get home from work until 10pm and then after any sort of hanging/beer drinking it gets to 1am very quickly. 8 am is very early in my world.

Rise and shine, its 75 and humid. And by the way, its going to be 90 in 60 minutes.

This has been an odd year for us up here in the Great White, with our very long, desperately cold and snowy winter up to the total lack of spring, we've seen our share of wacky weather. But weather is not what I write about, running is.

So how have I done so far with my 30daysofrunning (even though its only June 7th), very well actually. I fake ran one day, I had to count the 6 blocks I ran to the Ace Hardware store as my run for the day, it would have clocked in at roughly 1.25miles so at least its something, right? The last two days I did quick 5K routes around my house, today I did it in 22min, a personal best. It felt really good, too. I was never really that tired and even at the end I felt like I could have dropped a whole minute or more had I been pushed. I think I could pull off a 20min 5K right now and that is pretty quick for me. I wouldnt win any awards but it would feel pretty sweet to see a 19:45ish on the clock.

Tomorrow starts my weekend, it also starts a cooler streak in weather around here so Im going to hit the road hard, like 10 miles hard. I need to get some big miles under my belt in a hurry here, time is running out (ha!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We could do a 5k sometime soon here and see how you do with some competition. I'd be down.